Exciting Agri-Food milestones in Vilnius!

Exciting Agri-Food milestones in Vilnius!
Both the SS4AF and HighFive partnership were represented at the 2023 Agrifood Forum on 14 November in Vilnius. Our colleague Zsolt Keresztúri was of course also present at the event, which was organised by our dear partner AgriFood Lithuania.
The mission of the SS4AF Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership is to support agri-food businesses to adopt Industry 4.0 systems with the aim of transforming the sector into a network of interconnected units using reactive, smart technologies.
The HIGHFIVE project is designed to support agri-food companies to thrive in the context of global value chains, high international competitivity, market and innovation barriers, and the need for a quick digital and green transition.
Organised as part of the Agrifood Forum 2023, the first HIGHFIVE inter-regional event was a tool for in-depth consultation, stimulating cross-border dialogue and innovation.
Moments like this demonstrate the power of cooperation and the shared commitment to foster innovation in the agri-food sector.
Thank you for being part of the SS4AF team, with whom we can continue to work together for a more digital, sustainable and resilient agri-food future!